We request the pleasure of your company to celebrate the marriage of…

Suzanne & Nathan

16th November


Hampshire Registration Offices, The Lucky Lychee and a map of the locations.

The ceremony

Will be held in the Basing Room of Castle Hill, Winchester at 11am.

The reception

Will be held at the Lucky Lychee in the The Green Man, Winchester. Join us from 12pm, with delicious Malaysian food served from 1:30pm.

The two venues are a 10 minute walk from each other, and both are within walking distance of the train station and various parking options within the city.


We would be hugely grateful for any and all gifts, but our request is for money to help towards the cost of the wedding and honeymoon.

You can give us cash on the day or send money directly to us at:

Name: Nathan Hornby
Account number: 95097396
Sort code: 60-83-71

A present sealed with a flower.